Tuesday, 5 April 2011

'Mock Up' to 'Main Task' Progression

Since the establishment of my Mock up, I have interpreted and integrated many new ideas, allowing for my main task to become more detailed and hopefully of a more substantial quality.
By creating a mock up, it allows me as an encoder to have a basic aim of what I want the magazine to look like at completion. However maintaining this isn’t vital, with the mock up merely outlining what I want the final piece to look like.
I will be going through each piece and explaining the progression from the mock up to the final piece;

Front Cover
My front cover mock up was designed on paper where I then scanned and uploaded onto my computer. Various tools were incorporated including mastheads, plus lines, snippets and featured articles, each primary fundamentals of any successful magazine.
Each of these were designed within the mock up, with the masthead being located in the same position on the main task, as well as the featured article on ‘Davey Spark’s’ located in the middle.
However, the snippets on the mock up are located in various positions across the page with assorted white areas being found. With this in mind, I changed this and located each of them in a column design up the right hand side. This allows for a more dominating picture within the featured articles area.

Unlike the Front cover, I designed this mock up on the computer. With my front cover mock up coming out not clear and concise enough, I decided to design this one on Microsoft Word, where I could save the image much clearer.
The design of the mock up relates very well to the main task, with the interview content being integrated in the column system seen in the mock up being used. Along with this, the main heading is similar as well as the picture located underneath.
However I have made changes .These are most prominent with pictures, where ive added a further two pictures related to the interviewer Davey Sparks. This allows for the text not to become to word heavy and allows the encoder to have an outlet from reading.

Contents Page
The contents page I have again mocked up using Microsoft Word, incorporating key elements from the mock up to the main task. The heading and masthead are similar of the mock up, however the 'date and full name' of the magazine has been located in the top right of page rather than 'date and issue number'.
Secondly the plug line at the bottom was added in, again enticing the consumer/decoder to the page and offer.
Originally the mock up held no place for some of the features, so through movement and development, i have split the contents into a ' exclusive' and 'features' section.

Mock Up of DPS

Mock Up Of Front Cover

Mock Up Contents Page